Electron diffraction from polycrystalline Au (two different intensities)
Porous silica tilt series (Skrabalak lab)
Beam-induced carbon deposit formed while imaging graphite at high mag!
Beam-induced carbon deposit formed while imaging graphite at high mag!
Funal appressorium and plant leaf (Z620 class)
Cucumber leaf stomate (Z620 class)
Cucumber leaf mesophyll (Z620 class)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of grass leaf (Clay lab)
Tick salivary gland (Clay and Fuqua groups)
Tick ovary (Clay and Fuqua groups)
Freeze-fractured ginger plant leaf (Z620 class)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of plant hopper (Z620 class)
Bacteriophage from Griffy Creek (Z620 class)
Griffy Creek microbes, bacterium, and bacteriophage (Z620 class)
Tungsten transmission electron microscopy (TEM) filament
Tungsten transmission electron microscopy (TEM) filament
Toxoplasma (John Murray)
Single crystal of Fe₃O₄ (Bronstein lab)
OHR bacteriophage from the Ohio River discovered by undergrad Drew Gukeisen while working with Professor Pam Connerly at IU Southeast.
OHR bacteriophage and broken-off tail. Image recorded by undergrad Drew Gukeisen and Professor Pam Connerly from IU Southeast using the IUB EM Center facilities.
Newly discovered OHR bacteriophage from the Ohio River (work by undergrad Drew Gukeisen wihle studying with Professor Pam Connerly from the IU Southwest campus).
OHR bacteriophage discovered by undergrad Drew Gukeisen while working with Professor Pam Connerly from IU Southeast.
OHR bacteriophage from the Ohio River and broken-off tail (discovered by undergrad Drew Gukeisen while working with Professor Pam Connerly from IU Southeast)