New users of the JEOL JEM 1400plus should expect to spend 3 or 4 two-hour sessions with either Barry Stein at or Joe Wang at when learning to use this transmission electron microscope (TEM). All steps for the use of the 1400plus are similar to what is done with the 1010, but the details of all the steps are slightly different (and in general, both slightly more complicated and slower). People trained to operate similar JEOL TEM's may be able to accomplish this training in only 2 or 3 two-hr sessions. Training for the 1400plus can be done even before a user has their own specimen to examine.
During training, users will learn how to load samples into the holders that stay with the instrument (the quick release room temperature holder and the specimen quartet holder), procedures to turn the filament on and off, procedures to start the instrument as the first user of the day (e.g., turning on and increasing the high tension), shutdown procedures for the last user of the day (e.g., turning off the high tension and starting the anti-contaminator (ACD) bake-out cycle), how to do basic alignment of the 1400plus and how to operate the Gatan OneView camera.
Before training to use the 1400plus can begin, users should make a training request using the iLab Service Request page and must show the EMC staff a certain amount of competency using the JEOL JEM 1010.
NOTE: Actual use of all of the EMC equipment improves with practice, and while these time estimates for training are reasonable, they also assume that training will be followed immediately by more involved use of this equipment.