Current (as of July/Aug, 2018)
Here is a table of the 35 lowest magnifications of the JEOL JEM 3200FS and the corresponding pixel sizes for the UltraScan 4000 CCD camera (as determined using serialEM and a replica diffraction grating, a so-called waffle grid).
NOTE: serialEM's pixel size calibration routine was used to determine all the pixel sizes up to 150000x (and the ± error is the standard deviation from multiple measurements either the same day or spread across multiple days). Montaged images were used when the magnification was too high for there to be multiple waffle squares in a single CCD frame (40000x and higher).
NOTE: The pixel sizes changed significantly after mechanical realignment of the 3200FS was done during late summer, 2017. We also offer the calibrated pixel sizes and magnifications from before the realignment in 2017.